The results show that in part of the key departments there exist at present these major problems: scarcity of high-level academic guides and other imperfections in echelon construction; 结果表明,部分重点专科目前主要存在的问题是缺乏高层次、高水平的学术带头人,梯队建设不完善;
The results show that the daily rainfall insurance rate effectively guides the choice of the alfalfa harvest times. 结果表明:逐日降水量保证率对指导苜蓿收获期的选择是行之有效的;
To put it clearly, the author of the present thesis has collected some typical examples for specific analysis, and suggested several strategies in accordance with the standard to show how the relevance theory guides tourist brochures translation practice. 为了更好的说明关联理论在旅游手册翻译中的应用,作者收集了一些旅游手册中典型的例子,并对其进行详尽的分析。
And the results show that the sport treatment teaching method possess specific event characteristics and it not only increases effects of teaching but also guides the exercises after class. 运动处方教学不仅提高了课堂教学效果,而且能更好地促进和指导学生课外体育锻炼。而其后的实施细则的颁布更进一步完善了这部法规。
Descriptive statistics show information about part-time tourist guides: a mediocre job satisfaction. Their job stress is comparatively low. Their working attitude is good and they generally have a above-medium recognition from the travel agency. 结果显示旅行社兼职导游的工作满意感一般,工作压力较小,工作态度良好,工作单位认可中等。